Examples of “intelligent” gatherings


Dialogues for joint innovation

A transport company organized a day to listen to its clients and work with them on innovative solutions.

Due to the success of the day, this became a yearly event in each business unit. 

Rethinking partnership

A world leader in the food industry and its main retail chain explored new ways of working internationally for mutual benefits by bringing together 150 of their key executives for 2 days of conversations

New ways to meet with clients

As soon as individuals start to deeply listen, think, perceive and move together, collective intelligence is ready to flow

A shared vision: bringing multiple perspectives in the same room

Through interactive honnest meetings, the launch of a new product became an occasion to get all the departments to talk to one another differently, explore their responsibility and cooperate in a new way

A project launch : an occasion for each one to contribute

Project closure

An IT department invited 50 of its main internal clients to debrief the bank’s largest project ever (Conversion to the euro). Together they drew lessons for future smaller projects. The debriefing covered not only results and methods, but also the emotional experience. New relationships based on trust were fostered for a healthy future.

A meaningful anniversary

The anniversary of a leasing company went beyond the conventional speeches and champagne, becoming an invitation for 300 executives to dream the future..

New year greetings

A pharmaceutical company reinvented the new year celebration and mades it participative. 250 employees revisited the past year and exchanged truly heartfelt wishes.

Celebrate and give meaning

A construction company entrusted 70 people, from board members all the way down to foremen, key suppliers, city planners and clients with creating a shared long-term vision for the company. Two months latter, in a giant Open Space, the entire staff was invited to invent ways to make it happen.

The annual commercial meeting of an engineering firm became an occasion to leave Powerpoints to one side, in order to reveal all that was said “in corridors”, to enable people to give each-other feedback in a safe way in order to go forward.

Take distance